I am a yoga teacher, a performer, and a mother.
My yoga practice has been a vital part of my self care since the late 90’s. It has served me when I’ve needed to de-stress in the midst of the hustle of the self-employed artist, and has helped plant my feet when I’ve changed cities and jobs. It has allowed me to honor my changing body as I experienced the transformation of pregnancy, and it was my guiding force in the re-discovery of my new body after birth.
As a teacher, my goal is to support you though the seasons of your life. My weekly offerings include Vinyasa, Prenatal and Postnatal practices. If you choose to work with me privately, I can craft a practice designed to meet you where you are at. I have especially focused my work toward creating meaningful content for postpartum recovery for the past several years and my hearts work lies in supporting you though the journey from pregnancy through early postpartum time. If practicing on your own time and schedule works best for you, please explore the On-Demand Practice Library.
I look forward to practicing with you!
To me, yoga is a deeply personal practice.
It's about honoring my body every day, and through the changes and cycles of life.
Yoga is about taking care of myself.
So I can take better care of the world around me.
Weekly Class Schedule
Wednesdays 10-11.15am
In-Person @Green Yogi Telegraph
Wednesdays 11.30am-12.45pm
In-Person @ Green Yogi Telegraph
Saturdays 10-11.15am
Mindful Flow
In-Person @ Green Yogi Telegraph + Live ZOOM.
Fridays 12-1.15pm
In-Person (at Green Yogi Telegraph)
WED 10:00AM
In-Person @Green Yogi Telegraph (sign up below)
FRI 12:00PM
In Person @Green Yogi Telegraph (sign up below)
Cultivate trust and intuitive listening in your body in preparation for birth. Explore movement to develop both suppleness and strength, examine breath work helpful for labor and learn movements that can aid in making room for the baby to position well, and how to move with baby in labor.
WED 11.30am PT
In-Person @Green Yogi Telegraph (sign up below)
Come and get to know your new body after birth. Explore ways to stabilize the stretched out and often disconnected areas, and de-stress/mobilize the overused and stiff parts of the body. Includes conscious core work, shoulder/chest opening and gentle flow.
Appropriate after getting the ok from your provider to begin exercise, often at the 6 week well visit.
SAT 10:00AM PT
In-Person @ Green Yogi Telegraph
Live ZOOM sign up below
Accessible to all levels of students with a focus in mindful alignment and creating a meaningful dialogue with your body. Classes are often structured around a part of the body, or build toward a peak pose with a gradual approach. Classes flow at a moderate pace with ample room to modify the poses to fit your needs.

for Postpartum Recovery
to Ignite Your Deep Core
Looking to practice on your own whenever the opportunity to get on the mat presents itself? Explore the On-Demand Practice Library. I’ve organized these into three segments: Prenatal, Postnatal, and Vinyasa, Gentle Flow and Restorative practices.
Engage with the Practice Library in two different ways, rent a class for 24h (cost $5-$7) or become a Monthly Subscriber for $25/month and access all of the content and new practices as soon as they are uploaded. You can select this Subscription during the checkout process.
In this library, the Full Body 60min Practice is a great overall practice to begin with, moving through all the greatest hits of prenatal moves! The rest are more targeted and can be explored based on how you feel on a given day or how much time you have.
In this library, Gentle Flow 45min is a good overall practice to explore. The rest are more targeted and manageable lengths. The exception is Restorative Practice; give yourself the full hour and settle in for radical time of self-care! Three practices can be done in the early weeks of postpartum. For the rest, get the ok from your provider to begin exercise again.
This library has variety of styles and length of practice. From full body flows, to focus on a particular body part, or building toward a peak pose; quick when you are short on time, and longer when you have time to dedicate to self-care; Vigorous when you want to sweat and move, a moderate pace that gets you flowing, or restorative for when you need to be gentle with yourself.